General Information

MELA is the Maine chapter of the National Employment Lawyers Association.  MELA’s membership is composed of attorneys practicing employment law in Maine with more than fifty percent of their time devoted to representing employees. Our members actively litigate employment cases in all state, federal and administrative forums. In addition MELA attorneys frequently testify before the legislature on issues of employee interests.


President David G. Webbert, Esq.
Johnson & Webbert, L.L.P.
160 Capitol Street, P.O. Box 79
Augusta, ME 04332-0079
Tel: 623-5110
Fax: 622-4160
Vice President Howard Reben, Esq.
Reben, Benjamin & March
97 India Street, P.O. Box 7060
Portland, ME 04112-7060
Tel: 874-4771
Fax: 772-6402
Treasurer William C. Nugent, Esq.
75 Pearl Street, P.O. Box 4811
Portland, ME 04112
Tel: 828-0035
Fax: 874-0582

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